The Candidates and Body Language

Democratic Debates

The debate the other night at times seemed out of control, and lots of pot shots … but let’s look at it purely from their body language:

Joe Biden had perhaps his best performance:  looked directly into the camera, solid gestures, defining words we could clearly hear.  He sounded statesmanlike.  Bernie on the other hand moved so much it was distracting.   He spoke too fast at times, and was hard to understand.   

Another distraction was Elizabeth Warren’s constant raising of her hand.  It felt like that kid in middle school! And does that attack dog mode really work the second time around?   I just wondered how she could stay so intense for two hours. 

Amy Klobachar was a calm oasis in the middle of the storm.   Plus – she seemed to actually be enjoying herself.  And her use of imagery was brilliant.  Who from the Midwest didn’t laugh when they heard “hot dish” and uncle Dick in the duck blind.   Telling small stories like that always resonate and stick with viewers.  Nice smiles Amy. 

I found it bizarre that the biggest question about Tom on twitter was – how many red plaid ties does he own?   

As for Mayor Mike…he upped the game with smart answers that showed his competency.  And he didn’t get rattled like last time.  I do however wish he’d show more of his personality and when he said the biggest misconception about him is that he’s really six feet tall …how about a smile?

Finally, Mayor Pete.  He too was calm – in some answers made it personal, like his educator husband, another tactic that can be endearing to viewers, and his quick retorts were smart, delivered well and hit home.  I do think however that’s part of his good prep.  Best line of the night:  about Bernie finding the Bright side of the Castro regime.   He’s clever!

On to the next! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below:


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