When your Socks don't Match


Not one sock matches in this pile. What is it about socks and laundry? Where to they go?  As I looked at the socks I thought about messaging and my clients who have such a hard time focusing on just one message that their presentations can ending up seeming like a pile of mismatched socks.  


Here’s the deal:  with the short attention spans we have today we HAVE to be clearer than ever before in our presentations.  Add to that the fact we are mostly working virtually.  It means amplification and brevity are crucial.   

I asked a client this week which of her many messages was most important.   She gave me nine.   I told her she needs to have one and it had resonate with the audience, 

So pick one takeaway you want your audience to “walk away” (leave their laptop) with and then add three points to prove it.  Maybe it’s about community, cost, capabilities or people, price, product.  Add a story or analogy to provide imagery.  And don’t forget to conclude with your ask.   

I can’t promise your socks will ever match.  But I can promise this little message technique works.

Jane Hanson